Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Abstractly, but a fact. Skype has started their new service "Skype-Prime", giving their every
user the chance to make money from Skype-to-Skype calls. Or in other words, we are talking about paid calls from computer to a computer (when the computer/user that is being called gets money per minute). The new service is called Skype Prime and is available for everyone, who decides to use it. The prices are defined by the user that has decide to activate this service and to offer it to his/her subscribers or callers, and 30% from those paid calls revenues gets guess who? - Skype. Quite a fat percentage, but whatever we say - the answer is one - they just can afford this!

Maybe it already pops up in your mind, who will be the fist users of this service. The first comments on the skype blog about this as well as my opinion is, that pink Sex-skype-phones and web-skype-sex-cameras will appear light-fast, getting use of the simplified pay-system developed by Skype. Although the description of Skype-prime on the official site seems very innocent, it is clear that this service is a booster and an engine of new online Adult services.

Other thing is that actually the official "recommended" and innocent use of Skype prime honestly sounds and looks great, and if it really develops it will compensate the bullshit it will throw on the internet, having in mind the above-mentioned uses of skype-prime. From the skype company they make it clear, that this service will ease the work of Consultants and Specialists(Advisor type), and will provide them with a really easy way to practice professionally whatever they want over Skype. In the same time, it will be one-sided if I don't mention, that for the users(clients) of such Specialists it will be a great plus. Theoretically, you can now consult with your lawer over skype and he/she can charge you that way. And you can also ask for a paid SEO advice for example, or even a medical consultation.

Here is the info directly from the source: Officially Skype Prime

So, we'll sit and wait and hope that the good will prevail over the bad in this, and that this innovative service will really hep the development of the Internet and the Online services.

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