Thursday, April 10, 2008

Online-marketing & SEO pseudo-idiots

   This article is not going to be educational, it is not going to be even related to facts from the SEO and the Online marketing - JUST like the people this article is all about. And I am talking about pseudo experienced and "skillful" idiot bloggers out there in the wild, talking bullshit all the time, writing theories about how this and that should be done in general terms, just because people like to hear advices that look trustfull (e.g "breath in and breath out - That's the trick of breathing! Nice huh? Isn't that blackhat ;) You didn't know about that right). And most of the people reading their blogs will automatically say - YEAH, it's logical, it's amazing how could they know that, those are Pros. No man, those are idiots - and you are far more idiotic to read and follow their advices. And do you know why, just because those people need experience and skills in the SEO and Online marketing just like you - they just do not want to admit it.

    Number one in the chart I should present with honours - Rand Fishkin. That little annoying beared dwarf talking about SEO on SEOmoz, advicing webmasters and blog visitors to... actually to be stupid enough to sit and wait for him to finally write something usefull or specific. Will tell you something 0day, something private that no one else will tell you... a little secret - 
Rand Fishkin
has never written a single usefull article for SEO and/or Online marketing. Long time ago I used to look around for other people that really care and deal with SEO, research algorythms, analyze SE behaviour, have some tech-background (WEB/Networking skills) or at least one of those things, and Rand was the first I gave up with. After reading his every new post for a month or two or three, thinking "Ok, he must have nothing specific to write about right now, but he seems like a guy with self-confidence in what he deals with, that has something to share, something smart..", but I finally gave up. This gnomish wannabe-somebody guy just likes to talk and talk and write and write. He has the unique skill to write a thousand words, 
and actually not to say anything with them!
Can you do that? I don't think so. He clearly has shown many times that he has absolutely no idea how a web-site/server operates, how a site is being made or build, how to do a real SEO (because it involves much of this
knowledge I mentioned),  he is not even aware of the essential stuff around the Search Engines - their crawlers/bots, their partial algorithms that anyone can track down for a few months, their indexing and caching speed, reaction behaviour, penalty cases or smth.,etc. He has no clue how the domain business is organized, how to go international in your online business. Finally, I get to the point 
he may be good enough for the USA - after all Americans are retarded slow-thinking enough to believe such an idiot in the Web. He just knows what everyone else knows about the World Wide Web optimization - the basics, and his favourite is to rephrase and extend those basics with in articles, to rewrite this, rewrite that, say in a different way... he just likes to have some attention targeted at him :)  Seriously, Rand, get a life, and read some valuable info - not bloggers like you.

     Second in the Chart, but with honesty the one I like - Shoemoney. This guy has been making posts related to so many bullshit themes, he's been always talking on how to get money out of internet, how to get rich or whatsoever, just because he makes money that way. He makes money when stupid readers believe in him, believe in what he is saying and writing (which may be a total truth, but in any case useless for the online business truth). He's been making money from the stupidity of his visitors.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Abstractly, but a fact. Skype has started their new service "Skype-Prime", giving their every
user the chance to make money from Skype-to-Skype calls. Or in other words, we are talking about paid calls from computer to a computer (when the computer/user that is being called gets money per minute). The new service is called Skype Prime and is available for everyone, who decides to use it. The prices are defined by the user that has decide to activate this service and to offer it to his/her subscribers or callers, and 30% from those paid calls revenues gets guess who? - Skype. Quite a fat percentage, but whatever we say - the answer is one - they just can afford this!

Maybe it already pops up in your mind, who will be the fist users of this service. The first comments on the skype blog about this as well as my opinion is, that pink Sex-skype-phones and web-skype-sex-cameras will appear light-fast, getting use of the simplified pay-system developed by Skype. Although the description of Skype-prime on the official site seems very innocent, it is clear that this service is a booster and an engine of new online Adult services.

Other thing is that actually the official "recommended" and innocent use of Skype prime honestly sounds and looks great, and if it really develops it will compensate the bullshit it will throw on the internet, having in mind the above-mentioned uses of skype-prime. From the skype company they make it clear, that this service will ease the work of Consultants and Specialists(Advisor type), and will provide them with a really easy way to practice professionally whatever they want over Skype. In the same time, it will be one-sided if I don't mention, that for the users(clients) of such Specialists it will be a great plus. Theoretically, you can now consult with your lawer over skype and he/she can charge you that way. And you can also ask for a paid SEO advice for example, or even a medical consultation.

Here is the info directly from the source: Officially Skype Prime

So, we'll sit and wait and hope that the good will prevail over the bad in this, and that this innovative service will really hep the development of the Internet and the Online services.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

4 Steps to make money from your site being SPAMed

What is webspam?
OK. Everybody who reads this knows what spam is, therefore I assume most of you know what web spam is. For the others who have no idea I may say that this basically is unwanted content - text, links, banners, etc., made on your site or forum or blog by bots or human beings with the one and only purpose - advertising and marketing, as well as delivering high amounts of traffic from the search engines like Google to the products offered by the web-spam. No matter how it will affect the reputation of the product or website it shouts about, web-spam is intended to cover as many places it can get into as its possible, and to "infect" them with HUGE amount of content, in order to make use of the public it will be visible to (web crawlers and people).

Where is webspam targeted and what it really is?
Now think of what are the targets of such web-spam. First of all the most attacked sites by web-spammers are the public Forums. You all know what forum is and what is its purpose. Web Forums are places where people can communicate with each other, share opinions, post articles, news, suggestions, discuss everything they want. So replace "people" with "web-spam bots". For one potential web-spam bot this is opportunity to post in public huge amounts of content relevant to the product it is intended to popularize and advertise. You all have seen such posts e.g. "Buy cheap Viagra!" "New Paris Hilton video" "Penis enlargement with pills", etc. of course followed with numerous links to the products(sites).

Sit tight...
Now I will get more specific about this. To understand what you are going to read you may need basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) knowledge and experience. We (you and I) all know how demanding is for a website to have MUCH content, updated content, relevant content to rank in the SERPs(search engine result pages) , in other words as the famous slogan I may say "Content is King". So do not think of web-spam as spam, think of it as content, because that is what it actually is - MUCH content.

That was preface, now the recipe:
1. First you will need one platform where public content can be posted freely. Even without login. The best choice is a highly used forum or blog, in order to make it easier for the bots to access and post.
2. Second you need to narrow a new site of yours relevant to a type of content among the usually spammed for (adult, drugs, gambling, etc.) you will some how make profit of. AdSense, Affiliate programs, Referrals, you name it.
3. Third step is to setup the platform and the site, interlinked of course and to popularize them a bit, just a bit. One advice, make a filter of your platform - censure filter in order to prevent posts containing words not relevant to the products you want to sell. For example if you rank for Adult Content filter Drugs and Gambling. Also you need to disable URL posting in the content which bots post on your public platform. We do not want others to profit from the spam on your site, no matter it is made by others (HUZZAH!).
4 . Fourth you need to do only one thing, enter the platform (blog or forum) you have made once a week and delete all the spam in it.

If you still cannot get the idea here is the explanation. So as a human this whole parade seems to you just like a stupid forum, outrageously infected by spam and a lazy Administrator who rarely cleans the useless stuff from the platform.
But for a web crawler (Googlebot) this seems like a very popular site, non-stop supported, updated and even with relevant content. So what happened we have the magic recipe: MUCH content, updated content, relevant content. And soon you will see how boosting it is for your site and platform to develop and rank highly and get tons of visits from the SERPs.

Of course that is just one thing or trick you can do to get high amounts of traffic to your profitable site non-legal useless(or not) site. There are many, many others you first have to do before getting to such nasty tricks. But anyway I saw it with my own eyes. While I was SEOing and climbing my way up the SERP stairs for Gambling content, the very fact that this situation happened on my forum brought to my site visits from searches like "volvo" "naked teenage girls" and more. Now I admit that in this case I have very off-topic and not-relevant traffic brought to my site which would be almost useless, but just imagine what happens when the spam content is filtered and targeted.

Imagine... and enjoy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

New way to get free traffic with BlogRush

As you can see there is a new section right under the AboutMe section called BlogRush widget which helps you get free additional traffic by displaying your blog post snippets on other blogs submitted to the BlogRush advertising program. This way you take part in so-called-by-me "Traffic Exchange" for free.
Check out BlogRush by yourself.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Web Directories manually penalized by Google!

It would be ridiculous if we say we did not see this coming but after all we all did not want to believe it will happen. Already a fact - Google started manually removing from rating in the SERPs some of the well known (or not so, at least for me) web directories.
Anyway as it seems in some news posts the specific reason has not come from the inside of the G. Rumors say that Rand Fishkin (SEOmoz), who people know as a complainer against and disliker of link buying, expressed his dislike against the link buying to his buddy Matt Cutts (no need to explain who he is) and the result was Matt Cutts manually penalizing some web directories (not sure whether by himself or not:}) . Very nasty of Rand in my opinion... but anyway here are known directories penalized:

Big Web Links
Directory Dump
Elegant Directory